Hall Toyota Virginia Beach
Sales 866-979-0893
Service 757-437-4000
Parts 757-437-4020

Hall Toyota Virginia Beach

September Is Child Passenger Safety Month

Many parents and caregivers spend hours in the car with their children every week—driving to and from school, sports practices, music lessons, friends’ houses and other activities. Wherever kids need to go, the most important thing is making sure they get there safely. The importance of correctly installed car seats and booster seats—and making sure kids are buckled in the correct seats for their ages and sizes—can’t be understated. 

That’s why, in celebration of Child Passenger Safety Week, MileOneCares is holding free car seat safety and distribution events in the areas we serve! 

Interested? Visit our Event Calendar to register or sign-up for the waitlist.

For more information on child car seat safety, as well as how to find other car seat check events, go to www.nhtsa.gov/therightseat.