Hall Toyota Virginia Beach
Sales 866-979-0893
Service 757-437-4000
Parts 757-437-4020

Hall Toyota Virginia Beach

Fun Ways to Get Outside This Spring

It’s finally starting to warm up outside, so you’re probably itching to get outdoors and enjoy the weather. The team here at Hall Toyota Virginia Beach has compiled a list of fun things to do outside that has something for everyone, whether you want to get out of your comfort zone and try bouldering or simply take Fido to a dog park.


A lot of people have gone rock climbing, but not nearly as many have gone bouldering. It’s just like rock climbing, only you have no strings or harnesses. You can find a bouldering gym near you or you can be a little more adventurous and boulder outside on actual boulders.


March is the perfect time to start gardening because of all the vegetables that are ready to be planted, such as carrots, peppers, strawberry plants, tomatoes, and cauliflower. Even if you want to be an Urban Gardener, you can start small and just plant a few if you aren’t already a big gardener. It’s very exciting after months of hard work to be able to reap the benefits by adding strawberries or peppers to your meals!

Visit a National Park

The USA offers so many beautiful national parks to explore. Whether you’re interested in camping in the mountains or walking along a beach, there is definitely a park for you. The Great Smoky Mountains is a go-to for many people, but don’t overlook the many historical parks or the quaint beach parks.

Take Fido to a Dog Park

Now that the weather is finally getting warmer, you can go online and find some dog parks nearby, maybe even ones you can walk to with your dog. More and more people will be out with their dogs now that it’s not as cold, so your dog might be able to make some new four-legged friends.

Plan a Picnic

Invite your significant other or a friend for a picnic. Pack some sandwiches and fruit and find a nice park nearby. This is a great way to enjoy nature while also spending some quality time with your friends or family.  After lunch, you can burn off the lunch calories with a hike or simply walk around and enjoy nature.


Biking is a fun way to get exercise because you get to look at the beautiful scenery as you pass by. Research cool trails you can bike along or even just take a lap or two around the neighborhood. It’s always more fun to go with a pal, so call up some buddies or even grab your dog. If you don’t want to bike a trail, you could always bike to a location or maybe even meet a friend at your local watering hole.

Take advantage of the great weather this spring and go be active outdoors. Whatever you decide to do, always remember to have fun and be safe! If you're in the market for a vehicle to explore nature this spring, contact the Hall Toyota Virginia Beach team online today or visit our showroom.