Keep Your Outside Pets Warm This Winter

When the weather outside gets cold, it's always nice to stay inside and bundle up in a blanket with the heat turned up. While you're keeping warm inside, it's important to remember your furry friends outside. During the winter when temperatures drop and cold weather becomes more common, a responsible pet owner has to change with the weather. Here are some tips and tricks to make sure your outside pet is just as ready for winter as you are!
Bring Them Inside!
The most ideal solution to keep your pet safe during the winter would be to bring them inside with you. A common misconception is that dogs and cats are less affected by cold weather because of their fur. The truth is that dogs and cats are just as susceptible to the effects of cold weather as people, meaning the best place for them is inside. A simple bed away from cold air drafts is more than enough for a night inside. Pets should always be brought inside if temperatures drop below zero, but in less severe cases an outside shelter is a good option. The ideal outside shelter for a pet is slightly off the ground, just big enough for the pet to move around in, and has a cloth-covered entrance that is heavy enough to keep out the wind but light enough for the pet to push through.
Monitoring Surroundings
For dog owners that continue to walk their dogs in the winter or keep them outside, it's important to periodically check for signs of winter damage. Winter ice and cold surfaces can cause a dog's paws to crack and bleed, which can lead to infection if untreated. A good solution is to invest in small booties for your dog or to occasionally coat their paws in petroleum jelly. For cat owners that have outside cats in the winter, constantly check the under the hood of your car before going anywhere. The confines of underneath the hood of a car offer a closed shelter for cats, and can potentially harm them if the engine is turned on. It is good practice for cat owners in the winter to honk the horn or hit the hood of the car a couple of minutes before starting the engine, to give cats a chance to get out.
Winter Gear
If you bring your outside pets inside, but they still occasionally go out in the winter, a sweater is a good idea. Sweaters that cover your pets from neck to tail can help insulate body heat and protect against wind. It's important to keep the sweater dry and never put a wet sweater on your pet. A wet sweater in cold weather can drastically increase the chance of your pet getting frostbite or even hypothermia. Most sweaters for your pets are dryer safe and can be dried, but it could be a good idea to have several in case your pet needs a dry sweater on short notice.
If you're looking for a new way to stay warm this season, we have tons of vehicles in our inventory with great features like dual-zone climate control and remote start, so you can stave off the winter chill. Contact us today or visit us at 1877 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 for more information.