Three Easy High-Protein Snacks

Protein is one of the most important macronutrients for keeping hunger at bay and building muscle. However, not everyone likes protein bars and shakes. There are tons of newer grab-and-go options on the market, but these three easy snacks are great for those who want to up their protein without adding too many processed snacks to their diet.
Dehydrated meats are an incredible way to add more protein to your diet. Due to the low fat content and high protein content, it offers a great calorie-to-protein ratio. Keep an eye on added sugars and other additives, especially in flavors like teriyaki. Beef is the most common jerky option, but there are tons of options including chicken, turkey, and more. For those who want total control, consider making your own at home with your favorite seasonings.
Edamame beans are immature soybeans in the pod. They’re packed with minerals, protein, and fiber. They’re typically served steamed and lightly salted, but you can add them to pasta dishes, salads, stir-fries, and more. You might also be able to roast them or air fry them for a tasty crunch.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is a thick protein-rich protein that makes an excellent snack. You can add granola, fresh fruit, honey, peanut butter, dark chocolate, or any other toppings you can think of to turn it into a parfait. You could also find some excellent recipes for making it into a protein-powered dip for veggies. Plus, you can swap out sour cream for Greek yogurt, amping up your protein intake even more.
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