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Hall Toyota Virginia Beach

Three Irish Recipes to Try this St. Patrick's Day

As St. Patrick's Day approaches, the Irish holiday spirit starts to infuse everything around us. While you don't have to go all out for the holiday, it's much more fun to incorporate some elements of the Emerald Isle into your plans. Sure, wearing green is the gold standard, but why not branch out and start feasting like an Irish lad or lass? 

To help you get started, we've compiled three delicious recipes from The View From Great Island that are relatively easy to make (if you know your way around the kitchen) and will make you feel like a four-leaf clover. Here are three Irish recipes to try this St. Patrick's Day. 

Irish Colcannon (aka Mashed Potatoes with Kale)

If you know anything about Irish cuisine, you know that potatoes are a staple of the Irish diet. Colcannon is a longstanding traditional side dish that is like mashed potatoes but with an emerald twist. The recipe dates back to the 1700s, and many Irish people continue making it today. Although colcannon is more typically served around Halloween or Christmas, it's just as delicious for St. Patrick's Day. Plus, the added green pieces help make the dish look more festive. 

Ingredients (for 8 servings)

  • 3 lbs Russet Potatoes
  • 5 tbsp Butter
  • 8 cups Chopped Kale
  • 1 cup Half-and-Half (or Buttermilk)
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 4 tsp Horseradish Sauce


In a large pot, bring water to boil (enough to cover the potatoes). Boil the potatoes for about 10 to 15 minutes until tender. Drain and set aside. 

In the same pot, sauté the kale with the butter for about 5-10 minutes until the kale is soft. 

Remove the pot from the stove and add the potatoes with the horseradish sauce, salt, and half-and-half. Mash everything together with a potato masher until you reach your desired consistency. You don't have to peel the potatoes first but feel free to do so if you like. 

If necessary, add salt, butter, or horseradish sauce to taste. 

Irish Soda Scones

Another staple of Irish food is soda bread. If you haven't had authentic soda bread before, it's incredibly dense and rich without being too heavy or filling. This dish really came into its own during the great potato famine. Because potatoes weren't available for bread, Irish people started using bicarbonate of soda for baking bread. Its popularity spread quickly to the United Kingdom and the United States, where it has been tickling taste buds since the mid-1800s. 

Ingredients (for About 8 Scones)

  • 1 lb All-Purpose Flour
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 2 tbsp Granulated Sugar
  • 1 3/4 cup Buttermilk


Preheat your oven to 450 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 

Whisk the flour, salt, sugar, and baking soda in a mixing bowl.
Slowly add and mix the buttermilk. The dough should be shaggy, but not overly sticky or wet. Keep in mind you may not use all the buttermilk. 

Put the dough on a well-floured surface and knead it until it's dense and doesn't stick. Roll it out into a one-inch-thick round. Cut the dough into circles or triangles until there's none left. 

Put the scones on the baking sheet, lower the oven heat to 400, and bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown.

Irish Apple Cake

Although apple cake is not always synonymous with Irish culture abroad, it should be. Virtually all Irish households make this dessert on holidays from St. Patrick's Day to Halloween. The main point to remember is that your apples should be delicious by themselves, as you're not adding much to enhance their flavor. This dish succeeds in its simplicity. 

Ingredients (for 10 Servings)

  • 1/2 cup Unsalted Butter
  • 1/2 cup Granulated Sugar
  • 2 large Eggs
  • 3 tbsp Whole Milk or Cream
  • 1 1/4 cup Flour
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp Salt
  • 3 Granny Smith Apples, Peeled
  • Streusel Topping
  • 3/4 cup Flour
  • 1/4 Old-Fashioned Rolled Oats
  • 6 tbsp Unsalted Cold Butter, cut into small pieces
  • 1/2 cup Granulated Sugar


Preheat the oven to 350 and grease a 9-inch springform pan. 

For the streusel topping, blend the ingredients until they create a coarse, crumbly texture. Put it into the fridge.
For the cake, cream the butter and sugar until they are light and fluffy. Then, mix the eggs in, one at a time. 

Whisk the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. Fold them into the butter/sugar mixture. Then, mix in the milk or cream. 

Put the batter into your pan and arrange the apple pieces on top. Finally, sprinkle the streusel mixture over everything. 

Bake for 50 to 60 minutes. 

If you want to add a custard topping, you can make that beforehand. The recipe is as follows: 


  • 6 large Egg Yolks
  • 6 tbsp Granulated Sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups Whole Milk
  • 1 1/2 tsp Vanilla


Simmer the milk over medium heat in a saucepan. Whisk the yolks and sugar until blended. 

Drizzle some hot milk into the egg/sugar mixture and mix well. Then, transfer everything back to the saucepan. 

Keep simmering the mixture, stirring regularly. Once it reaches a thick, creamy consistency, it's done. Stir in the vanilla. 

If the kitchen gets too stuffy from cooking all day, come and visit Hall Toyota Virginia Beach during St. Patrick's Day! We're always looking forward to seeing you and your family, so contact us today to get started.