What is National Car Care Month?

Spring is here and so is National Car Care Month. The Hall Toyota Virginia Beach service team has some tips for how you can give your vehicle the care it needs before you take on a spring road-trip, summer family vacation, or just more time behind the wheel during the warmer weather.
Check Your Tires
Winter road conditions can be unforgiving for your tires. Constant extreme temperature fluctuations between very cold while sitting to heat from the friction of driving and back again can take their toll more than you might realize. Check the tread wear on your tires. An easy way to do this is to stick a penny into the tread upside down. If Abraham Lincoln's whole head is visible, it’s time to replace your tires. If the tread wear is still good, take a look at pressure and uneven wear as well. Temperature fluctuations can cause the pressure in your tires to drop, which can lead to blow outs and uneven wear.
Get Your Battery Tested
Batteries are very susceptible to cold weather. Many people experience battery failures in the winter months. If you haven’t, now’s the perfect time to have it tested. Many auto parts stores can do this for you at no cost. Difficulty starting and dimming headlights can be two signs that it’s time to replace your battery. Sometimes your battery will fail, seemingly out of nowhere. Having it tested yearly can lessen the chance that you’ll have issues unexpectedly.
Inspect the Brake System
The brakes are one system you don’t ever want to fail. Regular inspections of brake lines, rotors, pads, and calipers can prevent a massive accident. Worn pads and rotors are the most common brake issues that need to be addressed, but it’s also important to check for leaks and other damage so you can be confident that every time to press the brake pedal, your vehicle comes to a smooth, safe stop.
Change Fluids
Just like your tires have been exposed to extreme temperatures, so have your vehicle’s fluids. Brake fluid, transmission fluid, coolant, and oil all lose their ability to do their job well over time. Heat cycling reduces viscosity, which lowers the fluid's ability to protect other parts. Debris that collects in the fluid can damage parts like the water pump, oil pump pick-up, brake calipers, engine, and transmission. Regularly flushing and replacing these fluids will make other, more expensive parts last longer, saving you money in repairs later.
These are just a few of the most important things we think you should check regularly. April is the perfect time to do this going into spring. If you’d like to have the professionals at the Hall Toyota Virginia Beach Service Center look over your car with a critical eye for possible issues, contact us online today or call the Service Department to speak to one of our experienced service representatives.