Hall Toyota Virginia Beach
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Service 757-437-4000
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Hall Toyota Virginia Beach

What to Do When Your Check Engine Light Comes On

The check engine light is one of the most misunderstood warning lights on a vehicle. Many people think that it should be ignored, while others panic and refuse to drive their vehicle the second the light comes on. However, the reality is that the check engine light can come on for a multitude of reasons and there are ways to determine how safe it is to continue driving. 

Every modern vehicle has an onboard diagnostic system that monitors and controls things like fuel, timing, engine speed, and sometimes transmission shifts. This system can detect many problems and adjust the other engine systems to protect your vehicle from damage. The first thing you should do when the check engine light comes on is to not panic. Many times, it’s as simple as a loose gas cap.

If you don’t notice any symptoms, try tightening your gas cap. If the light doesn’t go away after a few driving cycles, you can go to Hall Toyota Virginia Beach, where they can read the code for you. This code will give you a general idea of what’s wrong, but a trained technician will need to do a full diagnostic to determine and repair the issue.

Note: if your check engine light is blinking, it needs immediate attention.

Whether the light blinks or is solid, you should check the other gauges for any possible problems. For example, if your temperature gauge is very high, or your oil pressure gauge is very low, you should stop driving the vehicle and call a tow truck. Usually, you can just call the Hall Toyota Virginia Beach service team and we’ll be able to get you into our service center quickly.

You don’t want to ignore the problem, even if there are no drivability issues. If your onboard diagnostic system detects an issue, it’s best to get it repaired quickly so other parts aren’t damaged. For example, an engine misfire can cause the catalytic converter to fail prematurely, turning an inexpensive spark plug replacement into something much more expensive.

The best way to avoid car problems is to keep up with regular maintenance. If you don’t remember when your vehicle was last inspected by a factory-trained technician, it might be time for service. Contact the Hall Toyota Virginia Beach team today and we can conveniently schedule your next service appointment.